Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: The Film Connection

For those who have seen the footage or seen photos in the Occupy Wall Street protest -- or perhaps the related protests across the country -- you've frequently seen activists wearing the guy Fawkes mask familiar within the film 'V for Vendetta.' The mask, a hallmark of protests organized with the Web collective Anonymous, provides the proceedings a specific film quality. That is magnified since the protests have grown to be a movie that goes for them, '99 Percent,' whose creation and funding are as crowdsourced since the protests themselves. Moviefone looked into the Occupy-ers' fondness for your masks and the way they boost the theatricality in the event, whilst they (unconsciously, possibly) help fund among the corporate behemoths the protestors are actually railing against. [Begin to see the story "Occupy Wall Street: The Film Connection" on Storify] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook RELATED

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